Events Catering

Host various events effortlessly with MY Hibachi!

From office anniversaries ,corporate party and prom dinners to baby showers, family reunions, retirement parties, friday night dinner with best friends and more—make every moment special with our diverse catering options.

MY Hibachi is your partner in creating memorable events. Intimate dinner or Large event catering up to 500guest.

Perfect idea for Corporate event

Elevate your corporate events by hiring a private hibachi chef to entertain and feed your employees. Turn corporate events into memorable experiences. It’s team bonding time—let’s have a little fun!

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Perfect idea for 50th anniversary

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Perfect idea for Friends & Family reunion

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Lygia ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ( Corporate party for 9 guests at fort walton beach , florida )

Miles and Yace were absolutely awesome!! From the moment they arrive, they are so happy to be there to give you the best dinner hibachi experience! They set the table up with the cutest decor!! The food is amazing, and the sake bombs are the best!!! The whole dinner experience and interaction with them is so fun and enjoyable! We laughed the whole entire time. I would highly recommend them to anyone that wants to have a fun night with great food!! I will definitely be using them again!

Contact Us At:

Phone #: 850-818-2270

Instagram : @my.hibachi


Location: Panama City, Florida